
Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Christmas delivery intercepted by cops for some unknown reason. 40 boxes in xmas wrapping paper containing pot, 20 pounds total

A Miami man was caught trying to bring a green Christmas up to the folks of Pennsylvania. Randy Jesus Valdivia, a 38-year-old resident of Surfside, wasn't driving a sleigh, but instead a 2014 Dodge Caravan. On Thursday afternoon, police pulled over the vehicle for displaying "criminal activity indicators" in a small town near the campus of the University of Pennsylvania.

According to the Centre Daily Times, police were suspicious of the several wrapped Christmas presents in the car. Valdivia gave the permission to search the car. The police just couldn't wait until Christmas and opened the present early.

Inside the wrapped boxes they found sealed plastic bags of marijuana. Forty of them in fact. All in all Valdivia had about 20 pounds of pot wrapped as Christmas presents. The street value was estimated to be about $160,000.

Valdivia was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana with the intent to deliver.

Valdivia had previously been charged with possession of marijuana in Miami-Dade back in 2003, but those charges were ultimately dismissed. Charges of grand theft and assaults back in the '90s were similarly dismissed.

info from

My question, what tips cops off that a 2014 Caravan on a freeway is suspicious?

Valdivia is not white, is it possible that Pennsylvania cops are trained to consider Spanish heritage a “criminal indicator?"

After running a check on Valdivia’s license and registration, the police came up empty handed -- he was clean.

Yet, before letting him go, officers asked him for permission to search his vehicle. Unfortunately, the man consented to the search, which led to officers ripping open the Christmas presents where they discovered 40 vacuum-sealed bricks of weed -- valued at $160,000.

So, nothing in the report says erratic driving or breaking ANY traffic law, and the license plate checked out legal. So why pull him over? Even his drivers license came up clean. 

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